@humblenations humblenations@gmail.com Merch Coming Soon

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my books. Here you’ll find all the books I’ve written, or are planning to write. There is always some inspiration that makes me want to write some helpful nonfiction, some odd fiction, or out-there experimental work; which falls between the two chairs of fact and fiction. But never a dull moment, as they say.

Self Help to Help You Read More Self Help

100% Guaranteed to Make You Want to Read Another Self Help Book

Your go-to guide to help you read more self help books, because believe me when I say it will be no help at all. Presented as 200 excellently-useless pieces of advice, that it can be quickly consumed and forgotten about. No putting into practice needed.

This book:

  • Will not set you free (especially if you’re reading it from prison).
  • Will not remove any of your disappointing chakras.
  • Will not fix your broken spirit level.
  • Will not make you any better looking.
  • Will not help you locate any of the bad sectors present in your hypothalamus.
  • Will not re-tune your internal frequency to 528Hz.
  • Will not re-align your stereo field.
  • Will not help on your soul crushing journey of self discovery.
  • Or change your life, one iota.

But what it should do is give you a laugh for half an hour and brighten your day, which doesn’t really sound like much help at all — but do you want to be cheered up for half an hour or not? I thought so.

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Alien Baggage Allowance

Affecting, Funny, Thought-provoking and Just Plain Daft

Humanity is no longer alone with this collection of pocket-sized stories to take out and read in those spare moments, especially if you want to contemplate the universe. Each one of the eighty-one stories is a new imagining of how that first contact would occur.

Some kind things readers have said about this Short Story Collection:

“Even if you’re not a sci-fi fan, you’ll love its clever goofiness.”

“Glimmers with intelligent life.”

“Fun, smart, strange, insightful, simple, complex, refreshing. And most of all, funny. Ultimately, it’s one of the most original things I’ve ever read.”

“Beneath the mirth and nonsense are moments of biting satire and a mirror is held up to our society.”

“This book will catch you by surprise.”

AMAZON:    US    UK    Canada    Australia

Chasing Shorts with Pints (Early Works)

Equal Parts Romance, Filth and Daftness. Forty-two Stories I Wrote Whilst Still in My Twenties.

These pocket-sized little tales are little gems from a different time in my life. And even though I don’t have the same libido and taste for the crazier side of life as I did twenty-five years ago, I’m quite proud of these stories, as they show the genesis of my voice. Enjoy.

Some kind things readers have said about this Short Story Collection:

“When reading books by James Helps, it’s as if I'm being let in on a secret.”

“For humorous stories that have that I-don’t-give-a-damn attitude check out this book.”

“A talented writer.”

AMAZON:    US    UK    Canada    Australia

National Sick Day

Let’s All Take a Day Off Work Sick. I Will, If You Will.

The life of a human resources officer suits Melissa just fine. That is, until a strange, unstamped letter, urging rebellion, arrives one Tuesday morning, setting the wheels in motion for a comedy of catastrophe and office-based high drama. A tale that is neatly wrapped up within 5,000 words.

Some kind things readers have said about this Short Story:

“A wicked sense of humour is delivered in this very droll little play. A clever piece of entertainment.”

“Quirky and well-observed.”

“Fun and funny. Nothing like what I expected.”

“Deliciously witty.”

“This author’s cleverness makes his books just too much fun to miss.”

“Written with sophistication.”

AMAZON:    US    UK    Canada    Australia

Toboggan in Clipper Grey

The Most Roundabout Love Story You’ll Ever Read.

A grey Clipper lighter is the unlikely protagonist of this little tale, travelling from one owner to the next. Each new person has a story to tell: some of them touching, some of them dark, but all invariably fleeting. The story of her heroic journey is less than 6,000 words.

Some kind things readers have said about this Short Story:

“Different, smart, and deserves more recognition. Authentic, separate, and genuine.”

“Compelling, touching upon a entirety of human emotion.”

“Love the lyrical, oft-edgy writing style.”

“More affecting than at first meets the eye. I found myself thinking about the scenarios long after I had finished reading.”

AMAZON:    US    UK    Canada    Australia

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